
Fit Dad Life

Fitness Myth: Muscles Make You Bulky


Fitness, Family, and Beyond

Hey Reader,

Do you have that one friend or family member who asks for advice and then argues with you about it?

And then two weeks later, they hear the exact same advice you gave them from someone else, and share it with you like they’re the genius?

Yeah, that’s what I feel like whenever I talk with someone about lifting weights and they say:

“I don’t want to get too big.”


“I don’t want to get bulky.”

For the love of Double Stuf Oreo cookies and LEGO minifigures...


Ok. I’m sorry for yelling.

Let me explain...

MYTH: Muscles make you bulky

TRUTH: Fat makes you bulky

How does this work?

Well, muscle is more dense than fat. That means 10 lbs of muscle takes up less space than 10 lbs of fat on your body.

So if you weigh 200 pounds with a body fat percentage of 30%, your body would physically take up more space than if you weighed 200 pounds with a body fat percentage of 15%.

The exact same weight, but two very different body compositions.

The difference? More muscle and less fat.

That is why a scale is such a poor tool for your fitness journey.

You could lose 10 lbs of fat, gain 10 lbs of muscle, weigh exactly the same, and still be smaller.

Muscle is lean, and fat is... well... fat.

Ok, KC, but why should I care?
What am I supposed to do with this “brilliant” revelation?

Great questions.

Part of the reason you get stuck on your fitness journey is that there are so many variables and so much advice.

  • Are eggs healthy or not?
  • Do you buy a cold plunge?
  • What exercises should you do?
  • What are you supposed to eat?
  • How much protein do you need?
  • How many steps should you take?

And countless more.

These are fine questions, but what about today?
What is one thing you can do today to take a step in the right direction?

Here it is:

Focus on getting strong.

This focus builds muscle, which has several benefits:

  • Burns fat
  • Better sleep
  • More energy
  • Supports joints
  • Increased metabolism
  • Improved mental health

If you're 10% stronger, every single physical movement in your life gets 10% easier.

If you’ve been measuring your health journey with a scale, it’s time to take a break. Put it away in the back of the closet or give it to a friend for awhile.

Your body weight is only part of the picture.

You want to look better, feel better, and live longer?

Focus on getting strong.

Start there, and the rest falls into place much easier.


“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” ― Marcus Aurelius

You can't control what happens to you.
You can control how you respond to it.

That is true power no one can take away from you.


I've always had terrible balance. My own kids, regardless of age or size, could easily knock me down.

It's really embarrassing to look like you're getting bullied by your own children at the neighborhood park.

Anyway, my balance has improved a bit over the years and one tool that's helped is a balance board like this one.

I mostly use it now for ab exercises like mountain climbers and active planks, but it's great for other bodyweight movements as well.

Move your body.
Clear your mind.

Keep up the good work!

Q: How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
A: 10 tickles.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Fit Dad Life

Helping busy dads learn how to get strong and live strong. Weekly newsletter with practical fitness tips, wisdom, and encouragement (plus the occasional LEGO).

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