Fitness Myth: Cardio is good for weight loss


Fitness, Family, and Beyond

Hey Reader,

You might not like hearing this, but doing cardio for weight loss is a waste of time.

WHAT?! But I started running and lost a bunch of weight!

Ok... what were you doing before you started running? Nothing?

It's great that you got off the couch or away from your desk and started moving. That's often the first step toward a healthier life, and I'm here to cheer you on. Let's keep that momentum going!


Cardio is quite literally a race to the bottom.

MYTH: Cardio is good for weight loss

TRUTH: Cardio is good for your cardiovascular system

That’s why it’s called “cardio”.

Cardio doesn’t burn fat, it burns calories. And it will take them from both fat (good) and muscle (bad).

This means you might end up being lighter, but your body fat % is the same (bad), if not worse (very bad).

Why does this happen?

Cardio is training your body to be as efficient with energy as possible. This sounds like a good idea until you realize this signal is telling your body two things:

  1. Muscle consumes the most energy so get rid of it (bad)
  2. We might be running forever so slow down the metabolism (also bad)

Cardio turns your body into a Toyota Prius. Energy efficient with great gas mileage, but no power or strength. And good luck if you get in an accident.

Strength training turns your body into a supped-up, gas-guzzling muscle car with a roll cage. You could get in a fiery crash and keep on cruising down the road.

The other inconvenient truth about cardio is that it only burns calories during the activity. And because your metabolism slows down, the longer you have to do cardio to burn the same amount of calories.

That's why you find contestants on The Biggest Loser doing 8 hours of cardio.

Meanwhile, strength training increases your metabolism so you're burning calories all day. I'm burning calories right now while typing this email. And because your metabolism is getting faster, you don't have to keep increasing your time at the gym to get more results.

That said...

If you like cardio (running, swimming, biking, etc) then do it. I'm not gonna stop you from doing something you enjoy that gets your body moving and benefits your mental health.

But don't do cardio to lose weight. That is not what it's for.

Lift heavy stuff. That happens to be good for your heart, too.


“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.”
— Roy T. Bennett

Growth only comes with struggle.

You can't develop a strong body, a strong mind, or a strong character without struggle. You cannot build resilience without resistance.


Have you ever been snapped with a rubber band?

Have you ever had a 6-foot rubber resistance band break in the middle of your workout and whip you in the face?

I have. It doesn't feel great.

That's why I upgraded to this set from Iron Infidel.

Been using them regularly for a few years now and still going strong.

Move your body.
Clear your mind.

Keep up the good work!


Gym Dad, Coffee Drinker, LEGO collector

Q: Why can’t a leopard hide?

A: Because he’s always spotted.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Helping busy dads learn how to get strong and live strong. Weekly newsletter with practical fitness tips, wisdom, and encouragement (plus the occasional LEGO).

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